Sunday, November 16, 2008

For my God

At this time I just wanna put my life on hold and give my God some praise. God is just so amazing and I Just wanna thank him for being in my life and watching over me, even though I dont deserve it. I went to EI's Homecoming Explosion and it was great!! The songs I heard and the dances I saw reminded me that God is indeed where my help comes from and that I never would have made it without him.
Lately I havent been in the church like I know I should be, and though I never stopped living God in my life that was still wrong because I know there are other things that I DID do and I know I coulda just gone to church and praise the Lord. I'm so unworthy of God's Love, and it's not fair, that God still loves me even though all of my sins and strife. I dont even have to be here right now, there are at least 3 or 4 times where I can say I should be dead, But God saw it fit for me to be here anyhow, And when I look at the way I'm living my life all I can say is that I'm unworthy...And this is the part that gets me the most: He STILL loves me and watches over me, Making sure I never want for anything. When I think about his love I'm filled with happiness and graditude for all that was done for me. So right now I just Wanna say Thank you God for all that you've done in my life and I just ask that you use me as you see fit, father. And if I cant do anything for you then at least I vow to try to do less against you. I ask you for your strength to help me resist these fleshly desires and walk with me everyday that I might touch someone the way you have touched me father God. In your name I pray and ask, Amen.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Kansha(Graditude) by: Real Street Project

"I spend all my days here the same way,
chilling out, relaxed and unconcerned.
There are so many things to do,
a lot of them impossible for me.
It's totally overwhelming,
but I'm always ready to do what I can,
because everyone here has a smile on their face.
I may not say it very often,
but I am really grateful for all my family and friends.
The time we spend together is so special,
I could never replace any of them.
We've got this moment, we've got each other
stopping, standing, and laughing together.
I'm so thankful I could cry.

This feeling is so wonderful,
it makes today sound like a wild dream.
I promise you, I'll never forget it, my precious ones
who laugh with me, support me
and keep me going.

This feeling is so wonderful
it makes today sound like a wild dream.
I promise you, I'll never forget it, my precious ones
who laugh with me, support me
and keep me going. "

As the title states I am not the author of these words. The author is a (group/band??) named: Real street Project. This song wasnt even sung in english but it was translated for us. It's words are my exact feelings towards each and every one of my family and TRUE friends.( And you know who you are ;) )

I just wanted to share it with yall cuz It made me think of my feelings for alla yall. Thank you for being my friend. I love all of yall and will always be there for you, Bank on it.

So it's November already is it??

Sorry guys and gals, it has indeed been a while. I have been exceedingly busy and lazy(not the best combo) so I havent been doing a good job keeping up with this huh??

I recieved so updated info on some pain from the past, it stung for a while but now that I know the truth about it all, I'm free.

In other news my academics are looking good right now, and they should. I'm working my butt off and my social life is hanging on by a thread haha. While I patch my social links back together I have made a few more interesting links that could be promising hmhmhm.

I got sick, or so I thought. A check-up with heath services told me that the pain was mostly stress related. I was given Rx and with that, some time and some prayer I'm good as new.

I feel as though I'm losing some friends. I'm sure I'm not the reason for this, it's moreso that they are becoming more busy and meeting more people so their time decreases. I take note of that and be very cautious that it doesnt happen to me, but at the same time that friends dont take up all of my time, gotta find the medium.

Work is kicking my ass...and I have naught to show for it but my ass!! I dont need this. I got to find a better one but this one is very flexible, and I need that cause my schedule isnt all that great...cmon pops call me when you need me cause I need the $$$

Caught up on Shippuden and now working on Bleach. cmon Naruto learn that new move quicker!! Bleach is getting intense. from the last time we've talked I jumped form the end of the bounts to the invasion of Hecho Mundo and the break in of Las Noches. Cant wait to see what's gonna happen next!!

VIRUS!! I got hacked and had to roll back my data to a restore point from last year around christmas time...damn... but I saved all of my music and documents, the important stuff at least. the rollback brought back pain and an opportunity to cause issues. But I'm grown, and I am above childish movements and behaviors, I flatly declined.

I have yet to discover my one true calling or my best quality that I can use to improve my life and others. I just dont get it anymore, sometimes I wonder why God even bothered to spare me when anyone could have done the things that I do, quicker and with a better quality and quantity...I know I just stole myself in the face right there but I'm able to identify the fact that I have a problem with myself...I just dont know what that problem is or how to fix it...but I have grown from beating myself down to nothing and not even trying to understand. I AM getting better.

WOW Barack Obama is the next President!! this is MAJOR!! I was so exicted and happy that I could be apart of history in this monumental moment for my people. And regardless of what people may say, I think he will do great. May God be with us all so that this whole ordeal doesnt tear us apart as a nation, as a people, or as one in you God. And if something horrible were to happen to Obama then may God have mercy on the assassin(s) and may he grant us supporters understanding that such a hateful act not create more hatred and malice in our hearts and cause ruin to all we know and love. Have your way God, completely and totally.

well that's about it for tonight. I have to get up 8am for English...I have no more absents left to use, and after that breakfast and going home for the Oyster fest. cant wait to see my peoples and all the of the young ladies ima see when I get there. time to step my game up