Thursday, December 4, 2008

Crunch time

~~Finals and Projects upcoming, may every student scramble to get all of the studying work done on time. Sizing up their grades "will I pass this one??" lets hope so. Late night education sessions and rough mornings out of bed to finish what could not be finished in the last night/early morning. The weeping off students who couldn't get the work done, the cry of the ones that curse Procrastination for bringing them to this point, The Cheer of those who got their work straight and has no fear of the oncoming onslaught of work, The sigh of those who have given up, All these and more can be heard as the semester comes to an end. All semester there is whinning and complianing about how the semester should end quicker and wishes of the end coming closer, faster. Compliants satisfied, wishes granted, you got what you want are you ready?? No?? Guess it's crunch time then!!~~

That was a free write that I just felt like writing, I wanted to express how i felt about this rush of work the I know we all are going though. Man this is getting crazy, Some classes are killing me now, and I was doing so good in them earlier on in the semest. on the other hand there are some classes where my grade has been good all the way across; gonna need that to stand strong in the presence of the classes that I may look kinda shoddy in. And Fin Aid's gonna be pissed, if I fail any of my classes than I wont be a full time student anymore and I'll lose my aid...I'm already on Academic warning and if my GPA isnt up to par I'll get Academic Probation...I think I'll be ok though, I might not have to worry about that one. I'm struggling and stressed but I'm not giving up. I'll make it somehow, God will make a way.

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