Thursday, November 6, 2008

Kansha(Graditude) by: Real Street Project

"I spend all my days here the same way,
chilling out, relaxed and unconcerned.
There are so many things to do,
a lot of them impossible for me.
It's totally overwhelming,
but I'm always ready to do what I can,
because everyone here has a smile on their face.
I may not say it very often,
but I am really grateful for all my family and friends.
The time we spend together is so special,
I could never replace any of them.
We've got this moment, we've got each other
stopping, standing, and laughing together.
I'm so thankful I could cry.

This feeling is so wonderful,
it makes today sound like a wild dream.
I promise you, I'll never forget it, my precious ones
who laugh with me, support me
and keep me going.

This feeling is so wonderful
it makes today sound like a wild dream.
I promise you, I'll never forget it, my precious ones
who laugh with me, support me
and keep me going. "

As the title states I am not the author of these words. The author is a (group/band??) named: Real street Project. This song wasnt even sung in english but it was translated for us. It's words are my exact feelings towards each and every one of my family and TRUE friends.( And you know who you are ;) )

I just wanted to share it with yall cuz It made me think of my feelings for alla yall. Thank you for being my friend. I love all of yall and will always be there for you, Bank on it.

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