Sunday, September 28, 2008

Overview of this weekend (9/28/08)

So Here's where I stand now, Friday I was still in a relationship with a girl that I had been with for 8 months, but things had been different all week. Whenever we hungout she was on her computer and I was just sitting there you know?? (Hard to have a convo with someone who isnt paying attention) And whenever she came over to hangout she would act wierd: Climbling all over me like a little girl, constantly biting, just being annoying, blocking the TV, and she didnt want me to touch her; she'd never acted like this before, I was confused. I decided to give her some space because she was tripping all week and I was sick of it, I had a Head-ache, a Stomach-ache and I didnt feel like baby-sitting. I when to my classes and normally I would meet her for breakfast but Friday I just went on with my schedule. All day it's been no call, no text, no communication with her whatsoever. It was like 8-9pm, I was back in Middlesex to help my father DJ so I could make a little money, she sends a text saying we need to talk. I call her and ask her whats going on with her, she told me "'re so sweet, and I feel so bad because for this past week I've had to make myself be happy with you.". I was shocked, I didn't know what to say. We always had fun together no matter what we did...and it doesn't stop there. I begin to start to reason with her asking what do you mean and what are you saying?? She told me that things don't feel the same and tells me that she feels like she has the inability to stay in a relationship. Now this is the second time she done told me this shyt and the 3rd time she's done this to me, ha call me a hopeless romantic or a fool for believing in her but I just did what felt right. So I'm quite devastated about now talking about what about me?? and I still Love you. " I love you Baby"...silence...I call her name a couple of times and she responds, She heard me but she no longer felt the same as I did...

I decided to come back to ODU so I could get some space and have some time to clear my mind of this whole situation, mind you I just came back home from ODU maybe 4 hours or so before all of this happened. My Mom must've been sure that I was gonna do something crazy; she really didnt want me to go. I decided I'd go anyway; more than anything I just wanted to be alone for awhile. Saturday I didnt really do much other than getting rid of all of our physical mermories: Pictures, Notes, A lil scrapbook she made you know stuff like that. I watched a lil TV and Played Guildwars and you know things got better. I mean I still think about her from time to time but not as much.

Today I woke up and realized that I fell asleep on Adult Swim and I missed my episode of Bleach (crap) Oh well, I normally do all of my schoolwork on Sundays and that's why I'm here now pretty much, but this lil blogspot is helping my situation too. I'm hopeful for the future. I won't dwell on her for weeks and weeks at a time. I'm excited even of all of the possibilities that I have now. Though I can't promise that this situation won't change how I operate in the end, I'm still hopeful and I know I have alot to offer so maybe being single again my not be such a bad thing.

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